Date: Saturday, August 10, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: Huron Meadows Metropark Golf Course, 8765 Hammel Rd, Brighton, MI
Format: 4 Person Scramble
All proceeds to benefit Ukrainian refugee children in our community.
Golf Registration Options (by July 27th):
Player fees include: access to putting green and driving range, green fees, cart and post outing lunch at Plast Zelenyj Yar campground.
Prizes for closest to the hole and longest drive
Sponsorship (by July 27th):
To register for golf or to sponsor a hole, contact
Christina at: 248-624-1515 or
Please provide Name, Email, Phone Number
If unable to golf or be a sponsor, please consider supporting with a donation in any amount.
Plast USO Detroit is a 501(c) (3) non profit organization.
VENMO: @plastusodetroit
(confirmation number 3408)
In the description indicate one of the following: